but quick tell the kalamazoo story. a lot of people might have heard about kalamazoo offering a free education. >> so kalamazoo, another midwestern industrial city that was hit hard is similar to rockford in some respects. it has these great characteristics of mid-sized towns. great museums for their size, but kalamazoo, it lost a couple big employers including the upjohn company which just got taken over and absorbed, and kalamazoo lost i think it was nearly 2,000, it might be more, ph.d.-level jobs left the town, and the people left with them. so the downtown got gutted, the city wondered where it was going to get its audiotape audiotape of, and some other industrialists, they remain industrialists, people seem to know who they are, started a program called the kalamazoo promise. who here has heard of it, raise your hand? okay, everyone ought to know about it. the kalamazoo promise is local philanthropy getting together and making a promise to everyone in kalamazoo if you finish the public high schools, the fund will