taxpayers;" accusations kaleo denies. you make a profit. you make a profit? >> williamson: so, we've actually lost money in our first four years of bringing this product to the market. the good news is, we're saving lives. more people have access to this product. >> stahl: why are you doing it, if you're not making a profit? >> williamson: we're moving in a direction with a model that continues to evolve. >> stahl: it seems to be "evolving" in the direction of scrapping the high-price plan altogether. whether it's because the model failed to produce a profit, or because they're under senate investigation for, as the report lays out, "exploiting medicare," williamson took the opportunity of our interview to make this offer. >> williamson: we want to reach out to all middle men, all insurance companies, to say, "we will lower this price to less than the original $575 if you will make sure that when a physician decides a patient is at risk, they can get it, and they can afford it." >> stahl: but all the insurance companies h