and all these horses, and the horses of this here are the rules of infancy called, i am working in kalgaslave, and the pus and drops of this are assigned, but i am frying my pastures, there were 50 frying, you are frying young people nope, back in the days of kalgas they were sent out for the purpose, which is the spayminy of infancy of the geta, there that over there... there you can say they lived so, we are not from the people of the land, we already had our own little girl, there was already a gas lamp over there, so, gas, not that gas, like sennya, but carp, gas, gas lamp, already here is a garshchochak, already a katochak, and i’ll sit in my mother’s arms, all this is sacred to me, you know, sergei davidovich is not only a talented artist, but also a writer, for my rahunka 29 paems, a thousand versha ў, і on this syargey fedaravich doesn’t lose his sleep, he believes that i... this is my destiny, and i am going further to the village of dabryneva in lagoisk, where people believe in the magician and you are sacrificing me. for real. such a feeling carried over to the cossack world, h