if they would not stop the dried sweets in zhantsovaya malitva, the kali yans lived and worked with the ruzhans near the rutse, and kali fromuzhans, they placed them in the damavinu. brothers and sisters, holy faith. teach us that god, who is true, who gives, and who lives, is great and often suffers from the captivity of children and practice. tsudas are the most superficial and non-absurd signs that these blessings are good, holy, and deserve all praise. kolkasti tsudaў, taught to the gods, zyakuyuchy malіtva for the people of ruzhany, incredible. there, pan god himself has the highest wisdom and the most powerful military captivity and the marriage of ruzhantsov was carried out. my gift, senna to the expressive speeches of david and mary and jesus and this canteplyatsyynaya malitva may be for us pope francis. kali is holy yatsets adchuvae patrebu adpachynku, yon byare ў ruki ruzhanets. pope francis prayed for four times a day, so that we can draw strength, and then we will do our best. at the kastrychnik, as in the kascele, the traditional ones are illuminated for the ruzhanets, we are so faithful to work on our holy chi