mom, kalin and i miss you very much.hysicals from me. >> and my daughter who was a bright ray of sunshine on this planet. i know they are both in heaven. all i have to say to them both is god bless america. [names being read] [names being read] [names being read] >> and my beautiful baby sister, ann nicole nelson. you are loved and missed. >> and my father, port authority police officer, alalfonso joseph niedermeyer. [names being read] [names being read] >> and my precious daughter, who was taken from us so suddenly. thank you to all the men and women that fight to try and keep us safe. we know the sacrifice they make . everyone, let us not forget, this was not a natural disaster. it was done by radical islamists who are still trying to hurt us today. danielle -- >> and my brother, now joined with john and dad. we miss and love you. god bless you. [names being read] [names being read] [names being read] >> and my brother, lad other four. all of your family misses you. we love you. god bless you. >> and my nee ue -- nephe