kalinda! damn it! get back here! (indistinct radio transmission) (alarm beeping, gun dry firing) (alarm continues) p. will! paramedics! (ambulance horn blares) (indistinct radio transmission) excuse me, could you... hi. where is he? they-they took him in there a few minutes ago. is he all right? i don't know. i'm sorry. excuse me. um... have you seen will gardner? he was one of the people shot in the courthouse. i'm sorry. those aren't my patients. do you know where he is? no. i can find out for you. just wait here. (indistinct announcement over p.a.) man: we got you, son. man: you're gonna be all right, buddy. his family, his sisters, i have to call them. um, i'll do that. no, i will. alicia? (speed dialing) man (over speaker): at this time, i'd like to ask you all to please take your seats. eli: he had other tapes? yes, three other surveillance tapes. with jim moody? no! people i didn't recognize. (whispers): he's coming after you, eli. as long as it's performed by underlings, we're okay. (phone buzzes) howard, mic