form on the territory of poland, like the polish-lithuanian commonwealth there are all sorts of kalinowski so forth, they have one goal: in addition to external... influence on our state, its isolation, try to shake up, of course, the situation within our country, especially in the run-up to it, but how can they do that? well, this is all being done very simply, under the guise that some rebel belarusians, using these proxy forces, of course , there will be no belarusians there, and i think even 20%, they will gather all this riffraff, who all over the world, where in africa, where in asia, where anyone is fighting in ukraine today, will try, for example, to capture one of the settlements that... they won’t even get into these settlements, believe me, today we almost all know them by name, where, who, where, plans to organize the defense of the western borders, they are ready, look what's happening, of course, they're already there, they're not going anywhere, they're our state, our southern ones, ours , it means that europe is burning, every day to show that this is the mood of protest, n