so we're going to kalinski to have a nice sausage. was this. one unique feature of this place is that everything put on the grill comes from regional butchers. all 3 sources. told me they wouldn't have it any other way fast food is nothing new but high quality fast food is pretty special. i love it spicy. the next stop is hidden away in the old town's maze of streets and alleys i would never have found my way without. his armor deluxe is a nice little shop that sells specialties from the region and that's where we're headed now which is the biggest thing i. look at. the shelves are stocked with delicacies made insulting and friends and luxemburg all carefully selected by the discerning inexperienced kenyan heintz. did you know that 75 percent of all mirabelle also grown in the rain so almost every minute eaten in the wild is ground within 50 to 70 kilometers of here i didn't know that now i do want to say this one is even tasty it's caramelized it's got an extra boost. the french like jam sweet. doctrine because they're. delicious but sweet yes