way they usually eat fish, we dance, with mashed potatoes, with rice, with pasta, they charge in a kalyarst often , yes, that is, they sharply increase its calorie content by two times, otherwise the calorie content of cooked fish is perhaps three times higher compared to the original ones, yes, our dish is... great because, firstly, we baked the flounder, that is, we did not add calories due to frying, instead of high-calorie side dishes we added broccoli, uh-huh, yes, this is actually this salsa, that is, it turns out that we did not give extra calories to the body, and the flounder itself, this is a dietary fish, contains very little fat, the flounder again fulfilled my desires, fantastic, thank you, by the way, i wanted to derive the formula food, and so 100 g of flounder two or three times a week. will protect your bones, will help your heart lose weight, oh, i want to keep dancing, eat and dance and enjoy life, novel, thank you very much for the wonderful recipe, but you’re welcome, drink some ilizami, dear, dear flounder, you really are a goldfish, you perform all the wishes for he