kalyna english -- hawaiian history is very unique. we were an independent monarchy, then a provisional government, then he republic, then a territory, and now a state. behind us is the first state capital of hawaii which was the royal palace. then it became the seat of the provisional government of hawaii , and then the seat of the territorial government. when hawaii became a state, we joined the union in 1959. in 1959 to 1968, this was the state capitaol. the senate sat in the throne room. the representatives sat in the cafeteria. around the building were small add-ons for offices. this was the first state capitol. on the grounds are the pavilion on the front. on the other side where the kings and queens of hawaii were crowned, and today these used for the inauguration of our governor. our governor takes the oath of office in the coronation pavilion. we also have the military barracks on the palace grounds now. this was moved here when they built the new capital which we will be going to in a few minutes. they moved the barracks bric