kamau franklin, talk about what happened this weekend.the national media, basically domestic terrorists attacked the police -- many of them were arrested. >> the national media is basically forwarding or believing or putting out the media narrative of the police themselves. nothing can be further from the tree. what we had over the weekend was a festival in weelaunee park with hundreds of people gathered to announce cop city, to celebrate the weelaunee forest. there was a breakaway action in which there was civil disobedience. and there was an attempt to disable property. the police overreacted. they came in, chased people down. they then decided to go a mile away and invade day music festival. they broke up the entire festival. they threatened people's lives. they threw people to the ground. they arrested people randomly and indiscriminately. as you stated, we now have 23 more cases of domestic terrorism file. we had a total of 35 arrested at the rally and demonstration. they continue tout out a narrative to scare people and criminalize