are historical centers of culture, science, literature and printing, the tour of the world kamenets gantseviche existence. the holiday has acquired a national status and has become a significant event in the cultural life of the country. every year , thousands of guests from all over belarus abroad gather for celebrations on sunday, on september 3, the day of belarusian writing will be held in the town and vitebsk region, it was in this creative region that konstantin verinitsakh was born. the author of the famous poem taras on parnassus, the most popular work of national literature in the 19th century, on august 28, 1936, in the village of shulyatino now, the rasonsky district, an outstanding belarusian poet, journalist, diplomat, laureate of the state, the yanka kupala prize, gennady buravkin, felt his calling to serve his native word as a boy . the first poems were published in the polotsk regional newspaper when gennady was in school gennady nikolayevich is the author of collections of poetry, prose books for children, scripts for documentaries and feature films, a well-known composer. igo