the time of the decision none of the jurors knew that kamila shamsie had supported the boycotts divestments and sanctions campaign in the past b.s. aims to isolate israel economically politically and culturally b.d.'s has a presence across much of the globe but in germany it's had a few run ins with the government the palestinian women's organization recently sued the city of boston for being excluded from the festival and the court ruled that discrimination based on the organization's belief in b.d.s. was unfair treatment. of freedom of expression includes the freedom to discuss and call for boycott of campaigns and is also protected by the european convention on human rights however this case is the exception not the rule the border stock has made it clear they see b.d.s. as an anti sematic movement not just anti israel. the arguments and methods of the boycott divestment and sanctions movement are anti semitic the message of the campaign to boycott israeli activists and goods or i'm innocent of the most terrible period in german history the do not buy a stick is an israeli products bring