. >> i lost kammy tanling. was a tireless facilitator of the arts, selflessly putting herself out there to make everyone feel like they had a place and a space and a community to do whatever they wanted, and she was incredibly infectious to be around. and ara jo, everyone was close with her. everyone knew what she was doing for the community. everyone knew that she was so capable of working with everyone constantly. she would be cutting someone's hair, giving someone like a tattoo, making an illustration, and all the while running dora show, making people dinner, literally simultaneously all of this stuff would happen and no one knew how she did it >> think everybody should know about billie dixon because that was one undercover dude. in addition to being a brilliant deejay and an encyclopedia knowledge of hip hop, billie had an electronic production technique that was unparalleled and utterly unique. he would use antiquated technology in ways that that technology was never used in the first place, and i was wi