yeah, i'm driving, kanavgorodskaya.r the first time in veliky novgorod to boast with great pleasure. let's go to our fortress. which the first walls were set 1000 years ago. they were wooden. of course there is nothing to show now. and here you and i entered the arch. this is already just the same under the moscow authorities, it was erected at the behest of tsar ivan iii wow, not a monument. what a stunning place you have, well, this is the millennium of russia, you paid attention to him for a reason , our pride of novgorod, he is only 160 years old. very beautiful there. you see peter i is standing. so mikhailo romanov is right in st. petersburg, facing west to poland, he got such a time. and that the state was ruined by the poles . down below, look, it's a completely different matter, let's go, so pushkin gogol to the southern the prince stands aside with christ, it was vladimir, i also call him us, sunshine. well, now the guests will go to the northern part of the fortress to the belfry of the novgorod belfry. we pu