kangaroo island wildlife researcher pat hodgins remembers the fear which gripped him in the days whicheatened species on the island was going to be pretty massive. if you see just the fire ripping through the habitat and taking everything away, it's like a massive habitat loss, just like that, the click of a — heartbeat, really. the dunnart is pretty distinctive. it runs along here, in front of this camera trap, and the camera will detect the movement and then take a series of photos. and this was what worried him the most. the fate of the endangered kangaroo island dunnart, a tiny marsupial. when you have species like the kangaroo island dunnart, that's only found here, there are none on mainland australia, not on any other islands, not in captivity, and they only live in this really small location — if you have a fire that comes through and takes them all out, takes out the habitat, you don't really know how that species is going to respond. so, we were obviously pretty concerned that there was going to be some pretty major impacts for that species. with predators on the prowl, teams