these are kangaroo joeys. not like the regular kangaroos, but they are cousins.uys hang out on trees. hence the name. >> they're cute. >> two of these were taken into this rescue. they believe their mamas abandoned them. they're caring for the little guys, they're enjoying spaghetti. i don't know how they figure that one out when they go back into the wild. these are also a threatened species. even though they do break a thing or two here or there, she says it is worth it because she's giving the two guys a chance. >>> this toddler turned artist. >> what is that? >> a pa-china. >> what he drew. >> no! no! >> really did it. [ [ cocougughshs, , snsneee] i have a big m meeeetiting when we land, bubut t i i amam s so o st, i can't rest. [ male a annnnououncncer ] nyquil cold and flu liquid gels don't unstuff your nose. ththeyey d donon't't?? alalkaka s seleltztzerer p pls yoyourur w wororstst c colold , plus h hasas a a d dececon. [ [ ininhahaleles s dedeepe] ohoh. . whwhatat a a r rele. [ [ ininhahaleles s dedeepe] so i get invited to quite a few family gatherings.