as to the very troubling case of pastor kani, you are 100% right. his case is particularly egregious. but it is unfortunately part of what we see as increasing zrem discrimination and persecution on the basis of religion. in some parts of the world it's islam and other parts of the world, it's christians. wherever it occurs, it is deplorable against freedom of religion, against human rights that are universally recognized. the states has condemned the sentence against pastor nardar kani. we have pushed very hard, reached out to like minded countries, international organizations to get a stay of execution, to get him released from prison. he's done nothing more than maintain his faith. and it is absolutely contrary to every element of the universal basis for human rights that someone like that would be condemned to death for being who he is, worshipping as he chooses, exercising his freedom of conscience. so we call on iran to honor its own constitutional commitment to the protection of religious freedom and its obligations under international law. t