didn't change they moved to and so that's that's like my hometown my own counsel one of those kankakee illinois a town that you know how a lot of industrial work and father good job in a factory and support a stanley and those jobs are gone so that is a problem and i agree with you sorry if i misunderstood your question i agree with you that donald trump donald trump much of downtime support comes from that white males where high school or less education so if he'd leave the white house down what happens to the republican party which has now changed well i think that republicans will try. they will some republicans tom cotton of arkansas be some people try to come up and take translates i think that will be exceedingly difficult because trump is sui generous way and he struck me very it's very hard to duplicate him so there's going to be that element in american politics floating around there and if the democrats get in and push too hard to politics of the left and neglect those people the ones you were just talking about and don't deal with them then that's a very bad thing you have the democr