published the concept of the global security initiative based on the proposals put forward by chairman kanneri jinping. it contains six basic principles. they say that all countries , large and small, strong or weak, equal members of the international community. the security of one country should not be provided at the expense. other disputes must be resolved peacefully, and, both in traditional areas and in the case of non-traditional security threats, an important role should be played by the united nations. a china's extremely interesting relations with the main counterparts will talk with the view of the chinese international affairs specialist xianlangxin, he is now working in the united states mr. xiang for a year, how has the international situation changed, first of all, relations in the triangle of russia and china , the united states at the moment. i don’t see any triangle at all under the trump administration , there was a short period when washington wanted to bring together three corners, for example, for negotiations on nuclear issues. then it seemed to me that there was a chanc