kansas. i rise on behalf of kelsey's army, people all across the country who put themselves in the shoes of greg and missy smith who had children who had been abducted who understand we need public safety laws like this on the books to ensure that we can save lives and ensure that these types of abductions and murders never happen again in our country without our ability to stop them as quickly as possible. june 6, 2016 will mark nine years since kelsey smith, was kidnapped from a target parking lot by a predator who sexually assaulted and murdered her soon thereafter. i remember like it was yesterday. we all in kansas and in my community felt immediately associated with the grief and pain that kelsey's parents were feeling, parents worried about their own children, they understood what was happening and wanted to help. and so the people of kansas helped search for kelsey for days. as my chairman, mr. walden, so eloquently spoke in favor of this bill, it is an anguish to have your child be missing and not do anything about it. her mother said when your child is missing you don't eat or sleep because you don't know if your child is eating or sleeping. i'm the father of two girls, i cann