kansas. caller: in world war ii, the u.s. was dominant instead of the organizations like the world bank, the imf, and other various things and it dominated. in the period since then, the united statesome much weaker, china is rising, and it is probably economically more productive than the u.s. at this point. this whole rebalancing is because of the u.s. weakness and u.s. is a declining status quo power in a world with many others, particularly china, india, and brazil, rising insurgent wear powers. thank you. guest: you make a point, which is when we led the world to globalism, we were preeminent, but we led with a strategy that put our own liberal nationalism upfront, not retain ourt we would dominance, but with these evils around the world, and it would become our friends and our allies, a strategy, by the way, that has worked remarkably. today, we are less powerful. we are still pretty powerful. maybe still the most powerful country in the world. but there are many other countries that are powerful. many other liberal democratic countries that are powerful. , we areare trying to do trying to get other democratic allies to share more of the burden, more of the burden on defense,