. >> deputy city attorney city attorney kapla to discuss what the housing request for the subcommittee that is a bye committee and has to vote if you establish one and then appoint members. >> so i would like to propose we create the housing code enforcement subcommittee that looks like trend and things happening in the heirs with the intention of creating housing recommendations and protecting the rental housing. >> and anyone have any questions about that committee or - nothing like that anything like that. >> as commissioners are clear on that then the next motion to make a motion to establish a seldom there is motion by -- >> (multiple voices). >> can i ask some questions. >> okay. >> within our - i understand wanting to go more in depth but talking about the housing improvement like a regular report i just want to understand a little bit more clearly what we hope to get you understand maybe the key parts of housing; right? but a little bit more clarity. >> yeah. absolutely. there are um, part of this we don't know going into a committee exactly; right? if it was a clear either the