scare people out of silver because they're in bed with a paper bugs so this is the fight between bit kapor and little yes then as we pointed out at the time even bill gross who who operates the largest bond fund in the world paper bug he mentioned exactly that that the c.m.e. had done that intentionally to drive the price of silver down that's right and all it has done is it's radicalize more sauveur buyers like the silver liberation army for example they're simply buying more physical silver star the basis upon which this rally is being built is widening and if you get a wider base the ultimate price target x. extends to a higher objective and so another headline regarding commodities exchanging on various exchanges around the world that has been overlooked during this diversion of this fake battle over the debt ceiling totally fake battle changes nothing in the genuine economy of america or the world another city have one city's top economist says the water market will soon eclipse oil so this is well known boyd are and he says that he expects to see a globally integrated market for fres