industry for film lovers for filmmakers such as can you know i'm not comparing of course ivanova with karan but ivanova has a great value of attracting people with the name of cost you a more interest to locals have with foreign films i'm not sure about the exact number but i think there are like eleven universities in the bonobos or is that a huge amount of young audience young film lovers film buffs who are really ready to do war and to devour. contemporary cinema they are really very grateful when you . say only good things about along the border for example and they're even ready to embrace like old films for example have a reference back to full of over therms which consists of like classical films from thirty's forty's fifty's like. where. breasts on the other directors from from long ago and these are black and white poems which might be of no interest for their mass audience but here you can see like hundreds of people crowding to see. it was obviously you had good luck with the festivals in the event of a future thank you very much. so what other cultural events have been taking ad