since he was a toddler, karanbir had food allergies, a risk managed until secondary school.d, aged 13, in intensive care. i expected him to return home, sent him to a place where i thought he‘d be safe. how do you get through this? how do you live with it? i live in a black hole. my life is without my son, something that could have been prevented very, very, very easily through education and understanding. rina lost her only child. the inquest found failings at the school. karanbir was given adrenaline after ten minutes. the pen was out of date. there was no second pen. what‘s the difference then, do you think, between the blood in a vein and an artery? there's going to be oxygen... fantastic, 0k. .. the difference for 15—year—old lily is a school that saved her life. a food allergy had never been a worry, until a lesson last year, when lily suffered a serious allergic reaction. it was like there was someone pushing down on my throat and sat on my chest. and then... i obvioulsy didn‘t know what was going on because we had learned about anaphylaxis, but i never thought it wou