interested in a few minutes, because i think my time is almost up, how do you respond to people like kareem sajipoor and others who don't believe that the iranians would ever come to a table in good faith? >> well, first of all, the record is one to make those doubts legitimate. we have no illusions about iran's record at negotiations. having said that, the pressure on iran has never been what it is today. and it is only increasing. in the months to come, the cumulative effect of the pressure on the central bank, the european oil embargo, and additional measures that we and others are taking, are going to tighten the noose to a point that it has never been thus far. and we believe that there is a reasonable potential for that degree of pressure to, in fact, cause the iranians to reassess their interests. and the relative importance that they attack to pursuing their nuclear program. can we be certain? of course not. do we think it must be tested? absolutely, yes. because it is the only certain way to end the program as opposed to delay it or set it back for a brief period of time. >> i think my time