there is a renowned comparative religious follower, karen armstrong. i love the quote she has. its vision is included the effectiveness the politically rightly guided religions and praises all the great prophets of the past. she isn't ex-nun. i would all recommend you look at her stuff. just incredible stuff. there's a lot of mercy and forebears are qualities that are so commonly mentioned in the koran or for example, mankind is something else that is common thing. the koran again and again asks the prophet muhammad not to exert pressure in the name of religion. it urges muslims not to refuse any proposal for peace. one can go on and on basically. read my book, i cite instances again and again. and as the scholars, karen armstrong, american professor who deals with this notion that a lot of people have. much more peaceful. and. [inaudible] all of these basically point out that the koran can be interpreted into a very peaceful, very good way. from their we go to the prophet muhammed. now you're prophet muhammed is very unique. because unlike jesus, more like i guess the hindu de