marcus major, gary delaineous, karen fishkin, susan carasoft, anna cho, martha offman and matthew leviscay. >> good evening, my name is james. i'm a resident of the haight-ashbury since 1984. i have dedicated my career to parks and rec and actually work next to a community garden currently. i think that many people in this room have stated things that are quite misguided and i'm in support of hanc recycling program and native plant nursery. being next to a community garden. very few of those gardens are actually native plants. and i think many people have pointed out some good stuff thus far. it's amazing how you stand in front and get really nervous. so i do want to support hanc and i'm against this proposal. i think there are many better places for community gardens in the city as somebody rec creates or used to rec create in the parks as well. i think that park and rec needs to build better community relations and not separate them. so, again, i'm in support of hanc and the recycling center. thanks. >> good evening, commissioners. my name is janet rogers and i'm a longtime resident, ove