. >> karen strom's sister coco rushed to the crime scene.jacket around her shoulders. >> i knew it was a crime scene but oh, god i just wanted to old her so bad. then they brought her body out and you're in such shock. you're like, she can't be in there. no. that's not my sister. she's not in there. then they took her away. >> did y ever get a chance to hold her? >> . no. >> then the whole town got to know about coco's big sister, karen, how pretty she was, how full of life and potential, how young. just 25 when someone got into her bedroom, tore the place apart, and strangled the life out of her. what earthly reason would anyone have for killing karen strom? >> she was fun. she was happy. she had a lot of friends. she was a good soul. >> but even before that awful day came to an end, some friends of steve and karen strom felt like they knew what must have happened. >> i received a telephone call from my husband and what he said to me was, well, it finally happened. steve finally killed her. >> steve killed her? >> my wife's been killed! i j