my name is karen teagarden and i am with unite against the war on women and first aid like to thank linda and ter oin the panel for supporting for supporting what we are doing. my question is for everybody in this room. who is going to join us against this war on women's rights on april 28th in every single state in this country and d.c.? if you don't know about it there are flyers on every table. and we really thank you for your support. if you have any questions you can go to our website unite thank you. >> thank you very much. i know it is happening all over the country. unite it is to unite women against the war on women. marches and rallies, april 24th -- 28th. i'm sorry. i have 24 in my brain. okay. april 28th. >> hi. i'm a people person. i represent people. that's all. i want to know, having been in this business since right after world war ii, being 90, i just would like to know from you, where is the american medical association? where are the obstetricians? where the pediatricians? where are our husbands? okay? >> terry please? >> i can't tell you how many