karen trave vers has -- travers has the latest. >> reporter: what does april snow bring? folks in upstate new york are about to find out. a streak storm dumped snow. >> it's bad. it's about four to five inches. trees are breaking all over the place. you can stand there and listen to them. >> reporter: along the east coast warmer temperatures meant rain instead of snow with winds whipping up to 50 miles an hour. this rocky late april weather kept off the winter season. it was the warmest in 40 years. great ones for the lucky ones who hit the beach or those who hit the slopes in bathing suits. in march a record number of tornadoes ripped across the midwest from the south causing significant damage. temperatures have been fluctuating like a see saw. last week in philadelphia it was nearly 90. boston it was so hot that runners opted to skip the marathon. over the weekend these fields inial vier a, new york, were packed with soccer games. today they're a slushy mess. heavy rains throughout the day melted all of that morning snow and probably all of the snow men. karen travers,