host karen turk and media analyst lionel. i don't know what this brazilian comedy troupe is thinking with offending the audience that they're going after it's just wrong it's a scary sing christmas is to score a singer major religion for a fact and it's just making a joke 2 out of a really sacred holiday for many catholics and medic christians around the world 1st and foremost what this is the greatest marketing ploy to take some 2nd rate 2 bit comedy and now elevate it internationally look if you don't like something go watch it people can talk turn off the t.v. but it's another thing that the people are speaking through of this petition and they feel that it's wrong and they don't want to air and on netflix and you know what let netflix polit since the beginning of time since galileo there have been people who have dared to take on certain things which proved to be most problematic in the mad here to defend the idea when it here is to defend the idea of expression and that's it and i can sit there and i can write down why t