. >> that's karenen lamar, he's 36 years old and lives in engla. the thing he went to pick up is a puppy. and it's not his puppy. >> is he in a sewage drain? >> he's up above the 2505foot cliff. he called the fire brigade but they probably wouldn't get there in time. so he decided t t climb down and take care of himself. >> that's a big risk to take, especially when you see the camera pans back you realize. >> when you do something like that, you have to be confident. because in the past, he's been a window cleaner. he says if you get the shakes and nervous, you shouldn't do it. but if you have confidence, you should be okay. so he was confident, he could just climb down there and get the puppy and then realized, it was kind of risky. >> well, now his daughter is like, my dad is a puppy hero! yay, dad! can we keep him? can we keep him? >> well, the puppy's openwner was one of the people looking down everybody is happy. >>> thisideo is two fox cubs. they were found at a turkey farm in england. and wildlife aid was called and they said -- >> what abo