everywhere you look in the house there are pictures of karenna.to remember her but he needs closure. >> i dug it out and put it together in one day. it looked like that. >> it's a peaceful place for me that she liked to run in there and she just happened to come across somebody who is evil and must pay, so there's no reason to be afraid of it in there. >> the reason we're here is the prosecutor's office and the attorney general are hopeless with respect to prosecuting their boss. >> retired firefighter bill brennan brought his case against chris christie over bridgegate to appoint a special prosecutor who will take over the case that he filed in municipal court over a month ago. the judge said that she would rule by the end of the week and was taking it under serious consideration. something that surprised me because i thought that the judge might reject his claims outright. we can take you into the courtroom, unlike bridgegate, cameras are allowed. he argued his case in front of the judge. >> applied to the case legally unless defendant gets to p