era, look what a surprise garik, the chocolate karik, has prepared for you, era, come and hug me, era firmly in your right hand, where to hit, i'll show you, look, you feel that the end has come, let's come in and knit, i can't, what, i won't, what you can't, yes, that is, you can rob shops, yes, you can rob carriages, but you cannot slaughter a pig, you will slaughter my pig, otherwise i will not respect you for the rest of my life, do you hear me? damn, get out, armless, era, my love, who am i arranging all this for, but i’m cold, i sticky, but it’s such a joke, you hear, era, the serious boys with whom i started are lying in the grave. they eat, but i’m alive, era, why did you marry, why did you marry me, well , i need to get married, i need to get married, for sure, now i ’ll take it to warm up, i’m rich, er, i’m rich, such mares are hunting for me, i’m you i beg you, you’re a good option, an option, well, i mean beautiful...