mohsen karimian, the tv producer. well, mr. karimian , you are very welcome, as was broadcast at the end of this video. as tehran times knows more, perhaps some of them have a history, in fact, in the same years after the revolution, tehran times magazine actually started its publication and has continued to this day. the editor was actually an indian personality who was very interested in the revolution and felt that it would be good for us to have a magazine that would, for example , transmit these views of the revolution to other nations and start spontaneously. and later, now only other organizations came behind this publication, the main point is that tehran times did something very strange last year, and now, finally, in the news space , it is very important that a media outlet publishes a report. the fact that they cite it in the case is also a reaction it happened that one of the cases was actually robert mali. after the jcpoa, to revive the jcpoa, which was suddenly removed , there was a gap on the part of the american