. >> you are waiting for karin cohen? >> okay. so, why don't we do this then and since she is important part to this equation and this might be... okay. so, on that, could then all right let's go back in order if that is okay? >> item's four, director's report. >> let's go straight to, yeah, let's go to the director's report. thank you. >> 4 a, update on dbi finances. >> good morning, commissioners. tira (inaudible) deputy director for the department, and before you is the finance report and i will just take a few minutes to go over the highlights and basically so much of a prior report, and we only have about 4 months of data and so these are preliminary estimates but i will go over what we have so far of starting are the revenue and similar to last month, the revenues were projecting to be about 3 million dollars under budget and that is based on the 7 percent reduction and temporary fee reduction as well as what the year to date collections are and we will be monitoring that and updating that once we get more clarification on t