>> my name is karin hederburg and i am own and operate along with my employees a good life grocery on (inaudible) and vernal heights. i find this legislation really rushed. i am in a quandry on being on the same side of the chamber of commerce jim, and i am usually never agreeing with the chamber. but, this legislation really bothers me. and it is called the family friendly workplace, legislation and that bothers me to come out against it. and we are a family, friendly workplace because every person that we hire and talk to and work with, and there is a lot of young people and a lot of single mothers, we know their schedule and they have the right to ask, because we are comfortable with our employees. we have 65 employees. and that should not change it by 65 employees or if i have five employees. that relationship needs to be there. they do have the right to ask and they do. i have every weekly news schedule i probably have three schedule requests i want to do this, i got to school change i have got a doctor's appointment and we meet them all but everyone has to be flexible if you get