where the crime rate is unusually high, just in one of these favelas lives in seventeen-year-old karin vicenta, who dreams of becoming a professional. whom is fully supported by her family in this endeavor, because corinne's mother used to play football herself. i dreamed about this from my earliest years, because right from childhood. i play this dream lives with me. and i think that i will be able to implement it , i will be able to become a football player, football represents itself. all of us never understood what many said, they say, football is not for women. it is for men. we have overcome this prejudice. football is real. everything at the moment. karen doesn't sit back. she attends training sessions four times a week as part of a face-to-face project run by a former footballer. alan chavez originally. this idea was not used only 4 girls came to the training of the project very popular, and now the number of trainees has increased 10 times the number of crimes, especially the files are staggering, so our project is like a good tree. we are another opportunity to do good in society, th