how great lethal injection is then let's give credit to where credit is due and give credit to karl brandt and the nazis for coming up with that idea well i don't see that it's categorically more violent than forcibly dragging a person off to be locked in a cage forever. you know it's not the kind of thing that i think of when i think of the word violence i think of. far more bloody and painful punishments than than a procedure that is basically is similar to what is done for a medical procedure except that the person doesn't wake up. that that is what strikes me is it's is what the term violence refers to. hard to. make. or not. i would pretty much give anything to be able to. work that way and the saddest part is the state of texas gets their way and they execute him i won't be allowed to touch him until after he's dead tell me what's justified about that other state at least let you have a last visit with your family state of texas don't you get your last visit but it's still perplexing why we keep making jokes about getting real friendly with regards to me and my mother in law so we ca