the design of the palace complex was developed by karl friedrich pöppelmann, a court architect from dresdending to the original plans, construction lasted from 1737 to 1742. the main building, shaped like the letter p, formed a large front courtyard. the building itself was proportionate and majestic, in the rakako style. its facades were divided by pilasters and were decorated with cartouches, greases, and modeling of various shapes. the picturesqueness of the building was enhanced by the combination of the rich brick color of the tiles and the white and pink planes of the facade. the main entrance led to a large guard hall, decorated with fresco paintings, next to which were the first the king's reception room, the oval hall, the senatorial and embassy halls, all of them were richly decorated, the fence and entrance gates have been preserved to this day in their original form, the pylons of which are crowned with sculptures of mythical creatures, the fence posts are crowned with helmets with military paraphernalia. under stanislav august ponitowski, major renovations were made to the pala