hours earlier, eighteen-year-old dale karmak became one of the youngest inmates.er original conviction was second degree manslaughter. two years earlier, she killed her father. >> i just remember you know, grabbing the gun. and i just pointed it. aimed it right at his head. you know, yes, my intentions were to kill him. so at that moment, i shot him multiple times in the back of the head. i know it is hard for some people to grasp, but when you're in fear for your life, up against the wall, there is no telling what you would do. >> karmak lived alone with her father, according to reporting, there was abuse in the home. >> a couple of nights earlier, we get in an argument, he blacks my face, bloodies my eyes, blacks my nose, finally, i'm shaking. >> karmak says when the abuse continued the next morning, she picked up the gun, shot him in the head as he sat on the couch. >> how many times did you shoot him? >> ten or 12 times, it is horrifying, very traumatic. it is something i dream about. i have to live with it for the rest of my life. >> karmak says not all memor