and karoun demirjian of "the t ahington post" reports t top u.s. officialto texted, aree now saying that security assistance and white house meetings are conditioned onig inveions and i think it'snd i crazy to withhold security assistance fh help w a political campaign. these textge mes underscored that the president is facing challenges, not only about the whistlebl complaint but about his use of power in amarican diplocy. joiningjo me tonight, karoun demirjian, with "the washingtons postan page with "u.s.a. today," tim alberta with" "politicd peter baker withd the and peork times." peter, take us under the hood ot what thet messages reveal about president trump and how he's using his power onkraine? peter: a couple of things. one, you get a picture of how much he had o.s.u. -- outsourced foreign policy in this area to rudy giuliani. the people charg wit leading foreign policy in thi t area, stateepartmentep diplomats were deferring, ino effect, this non-official, the lawyer for the president, in their dealings with ukraine as he w trying to press