and sophia. -- karro -- carl and sophia.>> we have been involved for about four years, and i started in the eighth grade. i was wondering what i was doing here when i first got involved in thought i might be too cool for this. we started in my school and they asked me if i wanted to be a dj for the event, and i loved music so i was the dj and played music for the entire week at lunch every day. i saw people becoming friends with people they had never met before, or talked with before are hung around them. that was the moment where i understood the fact that we are actually making a difference, and that i had a purpose. that was what skyrocketed me into what i'm doing now. that wonderful, and i did you get involved, sophia? >> my sister joined before i did, and once i saw her doing it, i knew that it was my duty to help others feel more included in middle school, and not feel the way that i felt when i was in middle school.>>> how does this work and what do the two of you do is leaders in the context of "beyond differences"? >> we do a lot of hands-on work and behind the scenes, going