west of karun ro in south azadegan region in yadavaran region jefe collects these and from the darkhore field, these accompanying gases are directed to injil 3020, which is located near the city of hoyzeh, and after that, the methane is added to the sweetening network, it is placed in the urban network and from cuts of two carbons, three carbons and heavier than that, i.e. methane, ethane, propane, butane, as well as pentane plus, this is directed to our petrochemical complexes located in the special petrochemical area in mahshahr and bandar imam, and it becomes their feed, which is one of the obstacles to removing production obstacles in petrochemical industry used to collect smooth gases, well these gases all this has nothing to do with you, all of this is related to us now, yes, it means the refineries and their torches, it is yours to collect them, not the refineries , the petrochemical sector, the national company sector , what kind of flame does it have, while our capital is our existence , our money is our property. it was smoking and there was pollution from that side. or the ho