the country needs this now, we need to win on each of the fronts, win, act clearly and decisively, karynt, well, with us, from that side this goal is obvious, they declare it, from our side it is not traceable, from our side, there seems to be a feeling that we expect that they will still somehow force them to some kind of negotiation, and as they say, they will fulfill some of our conditions, then everything seems to be the same. will come back, but it doesn’t seem like it, it doesn’t look like it at all, you have to understand, i’ve talked about this many times, but this is not what my opinion is, it’s, well, it’s kind of a conspiracy theory, like a conspiracy theory, yes, although lenin wrote more about it 100 years ago, when i wrote about the reasons the first world war, he said that this is a war of the financial oligarchy, financial capitalism, the same thing here, too... they created a phenomenal system in general, they entangled the whole world in this web, so we say european leaders there, but what are they, let who one of them will blurt out something, tomorrow he won’t be ther