the kasbah, the medina. do because when you have a european purchasing power coming over here to tangier -- >> they come like we come. we embrace it. other people want to come. and then we throw up. we'll, will tangier's unique character survive? >> i hope so. i really hope so. >> tangier is morocco. always was morocco. and recently the country's leadership seems to have embraced it. in all its ill reputed glory. the days of predatory poets in search of literary inspiration and young flesh are probably over for good. hippies can just as easily get their bong rips in portland or peoria. but the good stuff, the real good stuff, the sounds and smells and the look of tangier, what you see and hear when you lean out the window and take it all in, that's here to stay. -- captions by vitac -- ♪ >>> they don't look friendly. who are those -- anyway. >> some ugly dutch guys it looks like with guns. i'm guessing particularly friendly to the current power. they look like they are either coming from or goi