kasim reed, mayor reed, thank you very much, jennifer rubin and jimmy pethokoukis. back when president obama was able to bring both sides to the table for a budget deal. i'll ask his former chief of staff erskine bowles why president obama won't do it now by embracing simpson/bowles. ben bernanke warns congress we're hurtling towards a fiscal cliff, but bernanke did not pull the qe trigger. why didn't he? we'll debate. free market capitalism is the best path to prosperity. to the obama advisers know this? >>> all right. with this fiscal cliff quickly approaching, why is team obama unable to get anything accomplished with congress? why can't they make a deal on extending the bush tax cuts? president clinton was able to work out the deal. he balanced the budget he had tax cuts in that. president obama was a no-show even for his own fiscal commission called simpson/bowles. we have erskine bowles, chief of staff of president clinton and co-chair of president obama's own financial commission. i'm like one of your biggest supporters. >> thank you. >> you've got pockets of