fellow mayors, mayors like mayor bloomberg and mayor emanuel in chicago or mayor blake in baltimore, kasim reed in atlanta. all of us deal with an daily onslaught of violence. this is what this is about. it's about violence. >> but, mayor, what can we -- what more can we do? specifically, what do we need to be doing that we are not doing right now? >> there are a number of things that we can do. there is no reason, none, zero, for any civilian to have an assault weapon or an assault rifle or an assault-type weapon with huge clips. news reports seem to indicate that at least one of the weapons may have been a handgun with 17-round clip capacity and maybe the other 10, 11, or 12. there's only one purpose for these weapons. apparently, again, news accounts indicate that the semi-automatic rifle may have been the most deadly weapon. many of the children, again, news indicates two shots to them. that is virtually an execution-style activity. for what reason do civilians need this high-powered weaponry, in addition to the fact that it's reported that the individual had body armor. but for the fact th